What's your best quality?
i think i'm nice
Favourites? (music, colour, movie, food)
>the stuff that goes WUB WUB WUB WUB
>pink! or yellow? maybe lime green!
>shrek. massive legend
>peanut butter pickle sandwich... with milk on the side, of course
Describe your craziest dream.
probably that time i had a hug flash mob. self explanatory
Best memory from childhood?
stealing my moms cigarettes.
Describe the first job you ever had.
mowing lawns. i love the smell grass.
Ten years from now, what will you be doing?
it would be so cool to tour the world and play at the biggest stadiums and festivals ever! with fun flashing lights and molly for everyone! thats also my election promise.
My dream date would be with ____ doing what?
your mom, or jackys mom. i'll treat her to a nice burger.
It's the last day on earth. In one sentence, what would you do?
huge orgy! or maybe a huge dance party, fun for all! i'll DJ at either one!